Penerbitan jalur Mandiri adalah penerbitan bagi umum, baik sivitas Universitas Brawijaya maupun non sivitas akademika UB. Seluruh biaya penerbitan ditanggung oleh penulis.
- Naskah sudah diselesaikan 100% (template).
- Membuat lembar pernyataan penulis bermaterai Rp10.000,00 (download).
- Melampirkan surat hasil tes kemiripan.
Persyaratan diserahkan ke kantor UB Press, Gedung Inbis lantai 3, Jalan Veteran 10-11 Malang atau dikirimkan via e-mail [email protected] dengan subjek JALUR MANDIRI.
- Ukuran kertas: Lebar 15,5 cm, Tinggi 23,5 cm.
- Margin: Top 2 cm, Inside 2,5 cm, Bottom 2 cm, Outside 2 cm.
- Pages: Mirror margins.
- Font: Cambria, font 11, spasi multiple 1,2 pt.
- Susunan Buku: kata pengantar, daftar isi, isi utama buku (bagian awal, bagian isi, bagian akhir), daftar pustaka, glosarium, indeks (sebaiknya ada).
- Ukuran gambar/ilustrasi/tabel menyesuaikan, dengan pertimbangan tingkat keterbacaan teks.
- Jumlah halaman minimal 100 halaman cetak (hanya untuk isi utama buku, tidak termasuk daftar isi, daftar referensi, lampiran-lampiran).
- Jika ada gambar sebaiknya digrup.
- Penulisan rumus harus menggunakan equation.
Author-funded publishing is available for everyone, inside and outside of Brawijaya University’s academic community. All the publishing’s cost is funded by author.
- Book draft 100% complete (template).
- Provides author’s admission letter (signed and stamped on Rp10.000,00 materai (download).
- Provide letter/proof of similarity test result.
Requirements may be submitted to UB Press Office, Gedung Inbis 3rd floor, Jalan Veteran 10-11 Malang or through e-mail [email protected] with subject SELF-FUNDED PUBLISHING.
- Paper size: Width 15,5 cm, Height 23,5 cm.
- Margin: Top 2 cm, Inside 2,5 cm, Bottom 2 cm, Outside 2 cm.
- Pages: Mirror margins.
- Font: Cambria, size 11 pt, space multiple 1,2 pt.
- Book structure: preface, table of contents, book contents, bibliography, glossary, index (preferable).
- Image/illustration/table size to be adjusted with the consideration of text readability.
- Page counts minimum 100 on printed material (main contents only, table of contents, references, and appendixes are not included).
- Any object/picture preferably grouped.
- Equation and/or formulation should be using equation.